We told our families this weekend after keeping out little secret for about two weeks. Which if you know me, you know that a pretty good amount of time. I am about 6 weeks and due sometime in late November. The baby and Charlie will be about 22 months apart. I know, wow you guys are crazy. But, this baby is a super special surprise gift from the Lord and we couldn't be more thrilled!
We told our families this past weekend and it was such a memorable experience. We had pictures done last Wednesday and used some of them to surprise our families. Here are some of them:

We told Scott's family Saturday night after we had eaten a delicious roast beef dinner. They were all so excited and surprised by our "Easter card" we gave them. I am so sad that I don't have any pictures of telling them!
The card on the front said, "We've been keeping a secret..." On the inside "Our Bickley bunch is getting bigger because baby # 3 is due in November!
My family we told before Easter lunch. Telling them was a bit more eventful because we told them in a slightly different way. We were taking family pictures and I insisted my sisters and I take a picture together. They begrudgingly obliged and we sat on the fireplace. At that point in time Scott passed out the cards to the spouses and my Mom and Dad. It was so chaotic though with all the kids and my hungry pregnant sisters that I finally just yelled as Ben took the picture of the three of us, "SMILE! This may be the ONLY time we are pregnant together!" And this is what I got...
They then said, "WHAT? You're kidding?!?" and then I repeated and yelled (because my Mom didn't hear me) "SMILE, THIS MAY BE THE ONLY TIME WE WILL BE PREGNANT TOGETHER!" Then I got this, with some hugs and tears.
And finally we got this. The three of us pregnant, in order (Beth's due in May, Rebecca in August, and me in November) for a picture together. Such a sweet, forever memorable picture.
My Dad's reaction was the best. He didn't realize I had just announced I was pregnant and finally read the card right before he prayed to bless the food. His prayer was full of love and the sweetest holding back of tears as he thanked God for his grand babies the ones here and the ones coming. I will never forget it.
So there you go, it's true. No fooling, no trickery. Just a little blessing, a little life.
Here's me at six weeks!
Just kidding... That's the belly thing at Motherhood Maternity, I thought it was kind of funny. :)
Hahaha! The last picture is hilarious!! Congratulations!! What a fun way to tell your family. :)
COngrats hun so cute the way you guys told them!
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