When Scott and I bought the house we live in back in 2008 we knew there would be some updates that would need to be done. We talked about how, well really I talked and Scott listened, we could combine the two bathrooms in our house to make one master bath and add a new bathroom from the hall closet... Yada, yada, blah, blah, blah, reality sunk in a few years later that we would probably never afford to do such a major renovation like that, let alone would we want to put that much money in a home college students would probably eventually destroy.
Back when we first moved, I settled for this... Red walls. It was eh. Boring and just really an eye sore.
When I got pregnant with Charlie in 2011 I on a spur of the moment thought, is there any other way to?,
decided to paint the tile and it looked like this... Not too bad, could be worse but made it look slightly better.
Oh yeah so sometime between those two paint jobs I also tore a hole in the wall because I thought I had enough ambition to knock the tile out. I stopped shortly after remembering there is electricity and it was solid concrete walls. Yikes!
This brings us to 2013! I, being the pinterest addict I am, was browsing and saw a bead boarded bathroom and thought, why couldn't I do that in my bathroom? I have no shower, so there is not moisture in the air for possible mold to grow on the tile behind the bead board. Why not?? So I began planning and budgeting, saved my pennies in my piggy bank and hopped to getting to work.
I used Traffic Master Allure peel and stick in stock Cherry wood planks. They were so easy to use and look great they were also AWESOME for the price. $40 for a new floor.
Things I learned:
1.) Don't use sewing scissors to cut the planks. Get the right tools. They did work but the right tools worked even better!
2.) I was able to finish the floors in two nap times and an hour on a Saturday, but if you have uninterrupted time it is best to knock it all out, the adhesive starts to stick to things and gets less sticky. Also check Costco for light fixtures, the one I got was just what I was looking for, for $12.95!
3.) Really think about the best use of your planks, think about the sides that you cut in proportion to what end will be seen from the eye.
4.) Don't attach the vanity to the wall until you are ALL the way done with it.
5.) You have to put a new wax seal on the toilet every time you lift it up, so think first before moving it.
6.) Light fixtures are easy, all you need to do is turn the light off, learned that trick from my Dad who knows his electrical rules. Just put a piece of tape over the light switch so no one turns it on and zaps you, and then you fall and get hurt.
Phase two: SINK.
HA. This was supposed to be easy. This was the last problem on my list but quickly became a pain in my rear. I lifted the sink to remove it from the wall and I broke the pipe to the drain pipe. In my defense these pipes were about 60 something years old. Out with the old end with the new pipes I say!
Things I learned:
1.) Gently take things off or away from the perspective place, they can get temperamental.
2.) I am not a plumber. Ladies we are NOT plumbers. Just face it and be OK with it.
3.) A new sink does wonders.
Phase three: BEAD BOARD WALLS.
This was what I was waiting to do! I was so excited to get rid of the tile look from 1954. I used the 4 X 8 sheets of bead board because our tile was about 5 ft up the wall. I cut the right height and width and then gave all the pieces a couple coats of white paint. The back wall with the sink and toilet was too big for one sheet so I had two pieces. That was difficult because apparently I can't cut in a straight line... I used the 800 times nail glue, I think that was the strength, by making lines up and down and side to side on the bead board and squished to the wall. A few walls were picky and bowed out and that was frustrating. But a part of life and so I moved on and caulk has taken care of the boo boos.
Things I learned:
1.) Cut in a straight line.
2.) Bead Board will rip, so make sure to have some one to hold the end of it while you cut, my van and my knee was my helper, I'd suggest maybe a real person.
3.) Caulk really can pix boo boos so don't be too worried.
4.) Apply a lot of pressure for a good amount of time, 20-30 minutes if not longer, to the piece you are gluing to the wall.
5.) Do the hardest wall first, and be very careful to measure twice or even three times!
6.) Cut the bead board a little past the top of the tile so that your molding will sit over it.
Phase four: MOLDING
My budget was low so my molding consisted of a 2x4 stud that could eventually have prettier molding added to it. I had to use a 2x4 to make sure the molding would be deep enough to cover the gap from the protruding tile. Cut the pieces, and then painted them a ton before putting on the wall. Then I used a nail gun to nail them to the wall. Well actually Scott did, I can't stand the loud noise.
Things I learned:
1.) I hate the loud noise of the power tools.
2.) Wear your safety goggles, just in case.
3.) Do many coats of paint the wood soaks in A LOT.
After all this was dried I caulked above the molding and below, the window seal, around the vanity, and any gaps from my not so straight cutting.
Things I learned:
1.) Seriously caulk can fix ANY thing.
2.) Plumbing is hard and prepare to be frustrated and make a bazillion trips to Lowes for supplies.
3.) Look back and smile and the work you did. It will look good!
Haven't done this yet... Will update.
All in all I am so happy with how the bathroom turned out. I am DONE renovating it... I think... at least for these next few years. I worked with the cash I had and I am soo glad I didn't go beyond what I had. It is very rewarding to know that this was done within our means and by my own hands. Things I learned from the whole process:
1.) Love me a took belt. I got one from my Daddy for Christmas and wore it often. It was so nice to have all my tools right there.
2.) Measure twice and then measure again. It's better to haul the piece back and forth until you get it right than to cut it too short the first time and have wasted material.
3.) Have patience with your spouse if you have a vision they just can't see. They will in the end when it's done :)
4.) Always expect for the unexpected. : )
5.) Put your mind to it and do it!